Friday, March 4, 2016

Voss water bottle infuser

An awesome idea I decided to come up with and works great is buying a VOSS water bottle and using it an as infuser.  

I also find it to be cheaper then buying an infuser andddd you get glass not plastic which is awesome! Two thumbs up.  
A VOSS water bottle is about 3.00 and infusers well they are not... Also I do not drink the VOSS water doesn't taste well to me, I just refill with my own filtered water. 

Another great reason to use this bottle is the hole.  It is big enough to fit fruit as well as mint leaves and raspberries.  

I find this to be more suitable for me just because I worry about toxins and the whole BPA in plastics... You know all that crap they tell you about ... Like don't drink a water bottle that you left out in the sun! Hello! If I have to be cautious about that what's really in our plastic waters! I didn't know sun was such danger!? 

Anyways ... I prefer to use glass and it's great because I'm horrible at drinking water so this cute bottle is why I am learning to do so now... Lol